Friday, October 10, 2008

LASTLESS islam...

Around the world,islam is being defamed constantly by anti-muslim political conspirators.
No one corners of earth where
Muslims are not being disturbed. A dirty game of anti-muslim nations are playing along with dirty and rascal tricks,dirtyminds policy By the nations.THEY want to branded muslim as terrorists. Innocents are sent to prisons linking to AL-QAIDA,TALIBAAN,SIMI and so-called terrorist groups,But in spite of anti-muslim policy ,ISLAM is stand firmly.they used to say falsely about spreading islam by swords.BUT Now whate do they say about educated NON-MUSLIMS converting more and more into islam after 9/11 or branding terrorism?please give of answere if ISLAM is so-called bed religion,Why are these kinds converting in to islam on going?WHY are they not converting into HINDU, CHRISTIANS AND OTHERS WAYS? ISLAM is progressing and every facts of islam are real and real. WHY?All dirty tricks of anti-muslim has failed.Know that -ISLAM IS LIKE A SPRING TOOL,WE PRESS TO ISLAM LIKE SPRING ,ISLAM GOES HIGH AFTER DEPRESS AS SPRING.I am determine if any one comes to close islam and study it,he would be know all frauds of anti-muslim background and theirs thoughts.they are in dark world and misguided completly .there is one fact that they can't exit from dark world untill GOD's will.
But these nations are not know islamic history.Islam is facing this dirty game by the birth. this kinds dirty game going on till the last day of world .All marks of anti-muslim will have to be erased but islam would stand on.

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