Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The origin of the man and the Qur'an -2nd

rest of above... the statements in the Qur'an concerning a fate ordained at this stage and our knowledge of the fact that it is the genetic,quite naturally nothing was loomx of female physiology or we know,this LIQUIDS is composed of secretions from the following glands;the testicles,the seminal vesicles,the prostate and the glands annexed to the urinary tract-this is not all the Qur'an mentions;it also informs us that the male fertilizing agent is taken from spenqmatic liquid@ ''(God) made his progeny from the quintessence of a despised liquid.''S32V8. THE IMPLANTATION OF THE EGG IN THE FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS... ''Was(man) not a small quantity of sperm which has been poured out?after that he was something which stages,then GOD fashioned him in due proportion and harmoniously.'' S75V37. it is an established fact that the fertilizered evule is implanted in the uterine mucossa on roughly the sixth day following fertilization,and anatomically speaking the egg is indeed something which clings. THE EVOLUTION OF THE EMBRYO INSIDE THE UTERUS.. once it has evolved beyond the stage characterized in the Qur'an by the simple word ''something which clings'',the embryo,so the Qur'an tells us,goes through a phase in which it literally looks like flesh(chewed flesh).as we know,it preserves this appearance untill roughly the twentieth day,when it then begins gradually to take on a human form.osseous tissue and the bones appear in the embryo,which are subsequently enveloped by the muscle.the idea is expressed in the Qur'an as follows: ''we(God) fashioned the thing which clings into a lump of chewed flesh and WE fashioned the chewed flesh in to bones and WE clothed the bones with intact flesh.''S23V14. and ''(God) appointed for you the sense of hearing,sight and the viscera.'' S32V9 and ''(God)fashioned the two of a pair,the male and the female,from a small quantity (of sperm)when it is poured out.'' S53V45 as we have seen above,the Qur'an stresses the fact that only a very small quantity of spennatic liquid is required for fertilizition. all the statements agree with today's firmly established facts.but how could the men living at the time of MOHAMMED pbuh have known so many details of embryology? for these data were not discovered untill a thousand years after the Qur'anic revelation had taken place.the history of the science leads us to conclude that there can be no human explation for the

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